

Looking for a fun way to get involved at CPT?
Cleveland Public Theatre is seeking volunteers for our 2014-2015 season!

We currently have usher positions open and are gathering volunteers for our Social Media Committee!

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Arrive at the theatre by 75 minutes before curtain time. Generally, curtain time on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays is 7:30pm for the Gordon Square Theatre and 7:00pm for the James Levin Theatre and Storefront Studio. Some shows have alternate performance times, so please visit our web site or call the Box Office to find what time your show will begin.
  • Please dress suitably for an evening at a fun, relaxed theatre. We love for our ushers to be unique and creative, and also to realize that they are representatives of Cleveland Public Theatre. Please understand also that you may be asked to stand outside and direct patrons into the theatre.
  • Assist with stuffing and distribution of playbills to the patrons, directing patrons through the theatre the various performance areas, and helping to tidy the house and lobby prior to and following the performance.

FunThe Social Media Committee meets quarterly and commits to interacting with CPT’s social media sites. Benefits include networking with other passionate Cleveland community members, learning insider information about CPT’s productions, and significantly contributing to CPT in a contemporary, fun and easy way.

If you would like further information about ushering, please contact Natividad Uehara at Cleveland Public Theatre at nuehara@cptonline.org or call 216.631.2727 x 203

If you would like further information about the Social Media Committee, please contact Caitlin Lewins, New Play Associate at Cleveland Public Theatre at clewins@cptonline.org or call 216.631.2727 x 211