Request for Proposals: SpringBoard 2014 Playwright

Deadline for submissions is Monday, April 21, 2014

A core value of Cleveland Public Theatre is to support and nurture the development of new works of diverse style, discipline and creative processes by Northeast Ohio artists. Artists are welcome to apply for one or more of CPT’s development series.

SpringBoard seeks to support the development of new scripts, nurture the growth of emerging and established directors and act as a catalyst for forming and deepening relationships between playwrights and directors. SpringBoard will invite the audience to play a part in the process through publicly performed staged readings and post-show discussions.

Series Logistics:

  • CPT selects 4-8 scripts and pairs the scripts/playwrights with directors.
  • Each director and playwright team is expected to have 4-5 rehearsals in the two weeks prior to their showing.
  • Playwrights will be expected to attend all rehearsals and engage in developmental discussions with directors and the series producers.
  • All playwrights are required to attend all other series readings.
  • SpringBoard is scheduled to take place either October or November 2014.
  • Playwrights will receive $100.

Selection Considerations:

  • Is the work adventurous and new? CPT has a history of producing work that no one else in town will produce because it is somehow “outside the box.”
  • How will SpringBoard impact the applicant professionally and artistically? CPT wants to have a real impact on the community and provide resources to projects that will benefitthe most.

Applying for SpringBoard:

If you would like to be considered as a playwright for the 14/15 SpringBoard Series, please complete the application form below and send it to New Play Associate, Caitlin Lewins at cl*****@cp*******.org.

Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2014


Please contact:

Caitlin Lewins
New Play Associate
216-631-2727 x 211

Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2014


Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2014

Thank you for your interest in CPT’s SpringBoard. Please complete the application and submit it with your resume and any additional materials electronically as an attachment to New Play Associate, Caitlin Lewins at cl*****@cp*******.org

This application can be completed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. Either Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader can be used to fill in this form. Get
the free latest version of Adobe Reader from (Or contact Caitlin Lewins for a version of this application that does not require Adobe (cl*****@cp*******.org).

In selecting plays for SpringBoard we are seeking works that are in development and playwrights who are interested in working on their scripts.

Playwrights are expected to participate in the rehearsal process and respond to feedback from directors and producers.

We are not necessarily looking for the most complete scripts. We want to find projects that will truly benefit from being part of this series and playwrights that want to form and deepen relationships with directors and actors.

General Information:

Phone: Cell:

Supplementary Materials:

Please submit the following as separate attached PDF documents to New Play Associate, Caitlin Lewins at cl*****@cp*******.org:

  1. Full script
  2. Theatrical resume

Please include the following as one PDF document. This document should total roughly one page in

  1. How will participation in SpringBoard impact you as an artist and the growth of the proposed piece?
  2. Please send a script synopsis.
  3. Please look at activities below. Do you have the time to undertake this project? Do you have any specific concerns or needs related to other projects between October and November 2014?
      • attend one workshop on staged readings
      • participate in casting shows (optional)
      • participate in rehearsals and performances
      • attending all other shows in SpringBoard

Materials will not be returned to applicants.